Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Artist Reflection (Composition)

I feel like the best shot in this assignment was the simplicity shot because the colors and how it's really easy to focus on just the volleyball, since it's suppose to be simplistic. It's also my favorite out of all of them. My weakest shot was the one that emphasized foreground because it's difficult to see a line that represents the horizon. My weakest image could be improved by it being in a different area where there isn't many buildings or distractions everywhere. I used Photoshop to edit my pictures. The tools I used were levels, brightness and contrast, hue and saturation, and color balance. What was easy about the assignment was that it was easy to find objects to take pictures of. especially in my house. What was difficult about the assignment was finding different places to take pictures of. I don't really have a way of going anywhere, unless I walk, but that would've taken too long for me to do. If I could do this assignment again, I would probably look more into detail when it came to places. I should've read the directions again so I would've been able to know exactly what to do. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate my effort an 7. That's my rating because even though I took decent shots, I felt like I rushed them, like I was on a timer. I didn't focus on what to do and what's wrong with my photo when I should've.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Composition Project

This photo shows simplicity because it doesn't have any distracting elements to it. It only has the volleyball, along with the wooden floor and the wall behind it.

Brightness and Sharpness
This shows brightness and sharpness because the lamp used is shining on the side, making it have better texture to the cup.

Avoid Bull's Eye
This avoids bull's eye because the keyboard is on the left side and not smack dab in the middle.

Emphasizes Foreground
This emphasizes foreground because the horizon is all the way in the upper frame of the picture.

Emphasizes Height & Distance
This emphasizes height and distance because The horizon is close to the lower half of the frame in the picture, as shown by the small school that lies on it.

Leading Lines
This represents leading lines because the street is shown to be going down, or forward. You can also follow the two yellow lines, the white line, and the sidewalk as well.

Multiple Objects
This represents multiple objects because the picture shows off multiple things, like the cars and the bushes that separate the two houses.

Rule of Thirds
This represents rule of thirds because the tree in the picture is not in the middle, It's all the way on the left side.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bell Ringer: Photo Response

I think this photo was apart of Time Magazine's 100 Best Collection because not only was it taken of the day of the attack on 9/11, but it showed what measures people would take to not get caught up in the flames that the planes caused to the building. It was also one of the few photos taken of someone dying that day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Picture of My Shoes (First Photo)

The difference between a snapshot and an artistic photo is that a snapshot is just a regular photo. But, an artistic photo is one where you take a photo and start editing it to make it more pleasing and much better than it was before.